Other Ways to Pay
Please click here to submit payments to the office for your dues, event tickets, and other merchandise.
Etransfer payments can be sent directly to accounting@abshriners.com. Please include a description in the message
Cash and Checks can be processed during the Office’s regular business hours.
Al Azhar Patient Transportation Fund
The Patient Transportation Fund is a registered charity
that pays the transportation costs (airfare, housing, meals etc.)
for children so they can get to the health care they need.
To support the Al Azhar Patient Transportation Fund please
click on the link or contact the Shrine office at 403-239-0030.
If your donation is made in ‘In Memory of a loved one, an
acknowledgement will be mailed to the family.
We will provide a tax receipt for donations of $25 or more.
Shriners Hospitals for Children (Canada)
Shriners Hospitals for Children provide health care
for children with neuromusculoskeletal conditions, burn
injuries, and other special health care needs; at no cost to
the family. If you would like to support the
Shriners Hospitals please click the link below.